Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Royal Photographic Society Put the Boot in to Professsional members

The Royal Photographic Society, that esteemed organisation basically aimed at amateur photographers has launched a new initiative which I am sure will be received with some trepidation by its professional members, especially those based in the South West who make at least some of their living documenting their region.
RPS is asking its members to give images to the South West Tourist Board.
Why? photographers are asking.  An exhibition perhaps, sponsored by the RPS.
Oh no. the reason is simple.
Our primary objective is to launch an advertising campaign based on the line "the season doesn’t end with summer". This will be online primarily, but hopefully tourism partners will commit to carrying this theme to a wider audience via:
* static displays at major motorway service areas,
* features in in-flight magazines,
* a media campaign taking in a range of national newspapers, specialist magazines and trade shows,
* static displays at major motorway service areas,
* features in in-flight magazines,
* a media campaign taking in a range of national newspapers, specialist magazines and trade shows,
That is to say, maximum exposure at minimum cost.  A cost that will largely be borne by the professional photographers who would normally be supplying images.  Now is that fair?  Is it ethical?
If it is good enough for the South West Tourist board, where else will the RPS turn its attentions?  The Olympics perhaps.
Someone stop this madness now